Shut Up & DO IT!
Most people who know me would not ever guess that I am a procrastinator, but I’m not your typical procrastinator. I often have more projects to accomplish than I have time to get them all done. The way that I manage this in my brain, is that I work on what I think is the…
My last article was titled the Love of My Life and when I told Stephenie about writing that article she immediately asked “Is that about me or Bubba?” We both had a good laugh because Bubba was the very best friend a man can have!
I met my person very early in life and it is the single greatest event that has shaped everything from that moment forward. This year I will have been married for 33 years to the love of my life that I met in high school.
Musical Memories
Music and playing an instrument have been a part of my life since an early age. My great grandfather Woodworth was a professional musician, playing multiple instruments.
Daddy Daughter Dances
For several years, while my daughters were growing up, we attended the Valentine’s Day daddy daughter dance hosted at our local fairgrounds. These were definitely events that the girls looked forward to, and we kept up the tradition for as long as they wanted to participate.
I’ve always been a DIRTY BOY!
My wife jokingly calls me a dirty old man but she doesn’t know how right she is and how far back it goes. From a very young age, I was always getting my hands dirty and having the most fun doing it. Playing with dirt, planting things and working the soil have been a passion…
Military Aspirations
I knew that I wanted to join the military in some capacity at a very young age. I knew that my dad had been in the Air Force during the Vietnam War and that my grandfather had been in the Navy and my uncle in the Army and I wanted to join too
At the age of 4, I was adopted along with my brother Anthony and my sister Melinda to Chris and Terry Hooker. We were three little blonde haired and blue eyed kids who were on their last chance of being adopted together as a group. The circumstances around my adoption and pre adoption life have…